Saturday, February 16, 2013

[valentine's day]

I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. I've always felt that it's very commercialized. Why do you need to spend money on chocolates, stuffed animals, and flowers in order to show your love for your S/O? Shouldn't expressing your love and appreciation for your bf/gf be shown every day? Not to mention it seems the many single people get so depressed over this dumb holiday. If you're that sad and lonely about not having a bf/gf than perhaps you should reconsider certain things in your life. Such as: why are you so dependent on having a S/O in your life? If you want companionship THAT bad maybe you should go to your local animal shelter or the humane society and rescue a cat or dog. At least a new pet will be more loyal to you than the douche-bag or slut you're currently crying over. Yes, I do understand that Valentine's Day is basically "single awareness day" but there are so many OTHER days that is quite worse for others. For example: Father's Day or Mother's Day. Let's consider the children wouldn't be able to celebrate these holidays. So stop w/the pity party about being "single" and appreciate the fact that you're surrounded by friends and family who do love and care about you.

the history about St. Valentine's is quite a violent one.

"According to, one legend claims that Valentine was a priest during the third century. At the time, Emperor Claudius II, a Roman leader, decided to outlaw marriage for young men, alleging that single males made for more viable soldiers. The leader believed that he was having a hard time getting men to join the ranks, because they were tied down to their wives and children — so his solution was to simply do away with matrimonial bliss. Rather than complying with this wedding ban, Valentine allegedly continued to marry young people in secret. According to legend, Claudius found out and Valentine was subsequently put to death; he was purportedly beheaded on Feb. 14 278 A.D."

I did surprise J with a cute little present b/c it was too perfect to pass up! 

Hope that everyone who DID celebrate February 14th have a wonderful day with your loved ones.

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